About Me

I know I can’t do it all, but I will give it my best to try to do a lot, and in the process raise strong boys who know how to ask to be excused from the table, chew with their mouths closed, enjoy exciting and exotic foods, read books until their eyes will pop out of their heads and hopefully know how to work the contents of a tool box. Boys that will grow into incredible young men who will embrace compassion and nurturing and hopefully make the world a better place in their own special ways.

I have an incredible husband who spends half of his days patiently being a lightning rod from my daily frustrations and still manages to hug me closely and tell me how much he loves me every night. Who is brilliant, honest, thoughtful, makes me laugh until I pee my pants (literally) and knows his way around plumbing lines, electrical boxes, and his brand spanking new massive shiny red rolling toolbox just enough to get us through the hard times and fix what ails our happy home. He is an amazing father to our two boys and is exactly what I hope they will turn into when they grow up- he is an incredible role model for the rest of us in this house.

What is Witzend? Witzend is where we live… Witzend is the name of our house- yes we named it- it is where we kiss our babies good morning, it is where we snuggle with them by the fire when it is cold, and walk in the woods with them when it is warm. Where we shout at them to get out of the tupperware cabinet, or whisk them away to the potty almost never in time to catch an accident. Where we teeter between absolute disaster zone and immaculately clean, and where is mostly smells like good food cooking but occasionally like poopy diapers too.  Through the trials of moving in, parenting, DIY home remodeling, and fixing whatever parts or hearts may be broken “at wits end” is what we quickly found ourselves saying over and over again as where we find ourselves at the end of a long day (with wine or cocktail in hand) as we settle our backs into our chairs and hope that the kids are in bed for the night when the lights go out. We thought that if we were going to spend so much time admitting that “that” is where we feel then we might as well make it official- that way we will never have to question the decisions that we make, or the lessons that we learn - we will always know that we will end up at our ‘Witzend’ and it would be O.K. and that tomorrow is another day. 

The door (and bar) is always open here at "the end", hope you will stay a while and enjoy the show!

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