Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Adventures in Parenting 1.0

 Life with an almost 3 year old.

A little while back a good friend posted a link on facebook to blogger Jason Good’s hilarious 46 reasons my 3 year old might be freaking out.  Essentially, it is a side splitting list of all of the inane things that drive a toddler to the brink and over the edge into meltdown mode and as a parent of a nearly 3 year old I laughed until I cried. This type of list is not ‘new’ but, they seem to pop up at just the right time- like when your ‘lil one is pushing every button and you find yourself internalizing your own freak out and your brain is screaming- SERIOUSLY? What NOW? For crying out loud!?” …or something along those lines.

We are in full tilt whine, meltdown and, freak out mode here in the world of the Captain. So much so that, by lunchtime, there are many days that I wish Gypsies would appear at my door and kidnap me because anywhere has to be better than here…and I like to travel so, maybe being kidnapped by Gypsies wouldn’t necessarily be all that bad… and, I could trick out the campervan pretty sweetly on a scavenged dime too I am sure.

I digress. The gist is that I forwarded the list to my husband and laughingly said - I could come up with a few additions in a New York minute. Then…I thought… I should because at the very least maybe I will look back on this blog post one day when the Captain is all grown up and I will remember all of the seemingly silly little things that seemed so frustratingly funny at the time and it will bring a “oh, those were the days” tear to my eye, whimper, whimper, pray, pray.

 Things that freak out OUR three year old
(this will be a running list as these pop up - Please feel free to send me your own!) :

  • ·      My sheets are wrinkled
  • ·      ‘Woody’s’ hat is under the bed
  • ·      The placemat is in the wrong spot at the kitchen table
  • ·      The kitchen chairs are not where they should be
  • ·      My green tractor (The one with the scoop, NOT the one with the trailer) is not in the box, it is next to it- ARGH!
  • ·      I dribbled (milk, syrup, soup, sauce, etc.) on my shirt and even though you can’t see it I need a new shirt- NOW!
  • ·      My brother drooled on my police car (in the bathtub)
  • ·      I can’t peel my cheese stick
  • ·      My butt is owwie
  • ·      I have to get out of Jammies
  • ·      I will ONLY wear Jammies
  • ·      I want to sleep naked
No doubt more to come...


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