There are few things in life that I enjoy more than NEW THINGS! Here I will try and post some cool stuff I have found with links to get them for your very own self. 

I recently started regularly reading Lisa Leake's 100 days of Real Food blog and website as I have always been one for slow and real food. I loved making baby food for the boys when they were in that stage, and still love to make as much from scratch as possible. While Lisa takes the bull by the horns and goes whole hog with the real food approach (we are SO not at that level) I have found some great ideas and inspiration on her site and this is one of them. I can't wait for warmer months to start making yogurt and fruit pops for the boys and be happier knowing what is in them! 
A lot of places sell these, I got ours from AMAZON for less than $10 and because we are PRIME members it came for free and fast. 

O.K., so I haven't bought these yet because I am waiting to see how much my boys will still really use these (we are phasing out the squeezies here due to $$) but I saw these on a recent PLUM DISTRICT offer and despitI thought they were brilliant! I don't know about you as a parent but My kids have gone through a million and one squeeze tubes. I love that the PLUM, SPROUT, EARTH'S BEST and HAPPYTOT ones as they all include dark leafy greens mixed in with the fruit and we all know that getting those dark greens into the kid diet is important. I'm not above sneaking things in to tack on extra wholesomeness. So the thought of being able to fill these with my own concoctions is very tempting. When I have room in the budget I am going to spring for these as I think that going forward it is always good to have something handy and yummy when out on the road. The only thing I will miss is that mine will have to be refrigerated while the shoe bought ones don't but I think it will be an easy sacrifice.  VISIT THE SQUOOSHI WEBSITE to buy your own. 

If I had a million dollars (it probably wouldn't get me far BUT ... I would finally have the chance to splurge on my all time favorite bedding from Leotine Linens. I have slept in these linens, wrapped up in luxury goodness and have dreamed of them since. Well worth the hefty price tag on their own but the incredible applique monograms that are a lost art make them even more worthy of a splurge.

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