Sunday, February 3, 2013

Welcome (back)

So…new year, New Blog, new lease on life- and new adventures. This is the continuation of my old blog ‘HOLLERMAMA’ which, not only can I NOT remember the passwords to, is so out of date (on many levels) that I thought it prudent to take the opportunity to start anew.

What will you see here- that’s a loaded question- no doubt I will delve into the realm of quirky on-the-go adventures in parenting (note: I did not use the word 'skills' here), culinary triumphs and disasters, displays in crafty expeditions that will not always go as planned, DIY attempts to make a house a home and I am sure a few wild cards thrown in here and there just for the “free therapy” purposes that blogging helps with.

In the past I have truly stunk at keeping up with blogging. I mean TRULY so I am not going to say I will be regularly posting lest everyone be disappointed, but I will say that I am going to try. As a mom with 2 kids under 3 years old, and still moving into a new house, a husband who works a fair bit, and with me being an overachieving do-it-yerselfer I have no doubt that a few things will fall by the wayside.  Hopefully my quirky dry humor will make up for it in the long run.

True confessions to start this new adventure out right:

  • My kids (almost 1 and almost 3 years old) redefine awesome but drive me up a wall so high that even Spiderman wouldn’t consider scaling it.
  • My husband is tackling an obscene amount of work for one bacon winning bread making sole earner that at times you may see me get frustrated with
  • I stink at potty training and making pita bread
  • Cooking makes me happy
  • I have become a Pinterest wh*re
  • Its time to lose the baby belly and get my life in order
  • I spend 1/3 of my day on my hands and knees spot cleaning the white wall to wall carpet that came with our new house – and it is not always with a smile.
  • I still try and lay my head down when my kids nap (rarely works out well)
  • I am juggling no less than 8 projects at a time
  • I probably drink too much wine
  • I should exercise more
  • I spend my days on the roller coaster of emotion rolling back and forth between happiest ever and so mad and frustrated I could spit- and every day I hope I wake up on the upper side of that ride.
  • I have a penchant for fabulous clothes but no longer buy them because…well… I have no where to wear them anymore (insert new years resolution #27 here). 
  • I am on a mission to slash our budget and save money so I don't have to go back to work. (be prepared, I may have to start couponing). 
  • I hate coupons (see just above) because I never remember them until it is after the expiration date and no one gives coupons for lettuce or dried beans, etc..
  • I often dream in SPROUT (if you have kids you will probably know what network this is and laugh because you do the same). 
  • I miss my friends but love them to pieces as I always know that they will be there whenever I get my act together to pick up the phone to actually touch base. 
  • I use a toothbrush to clean my sink 
  • I try and shower every other day but it really is more like every third day at this point.  
…all ‘cause “that’s how I roll”.

Welcome to paradise. 

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